UP-Former Palmer Museum Repurposing

Project Number
Project Status
Trade/Bid Packages
Complete - Architect/Engineer and Design/Build Selection
Complete - Construction Manager Selection and Other Services
University Park
Project Stage
Project Description

The existing art museum building is 51,013 GSF and is approximately 19,000 ASF of art galleries, art storage, art holding/prep/conservation, and the museum's office/security/administrative functions. This project defines a complete change of space/use/function and full renovation/adaptive re-use/transformation of the facility, in addition to building system upgrades and building enclosure upgrades as required and defined herein. The Palmer Repurposing project has a total project cost of $40.4M, which includes a total construction cost of $30.4M.

Penn State Project Leader Name, Email
Architect/ Engineer and Design Build Selection
Trade/Bid Package Information
Pre-bid Note

Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting. Contact Elizabeth Beemiller for the pre-bid virtual link via SmartBid.

Project Stage for Trade/Bid Package Information

PJ Dick prequalification information will be included with the bidding documents.

Additional Information
  Designer CM/DB
Company IKON 5 Architects LLC P J Dick, Inc.
Contact Dan Cummings Matt Feuer
Phone (212) 956-2530 (412) 848-8867
Email [email protected] [email protected]

Project Description: The former art museum building is 51,013 GSF. This project defines a complete change of space/use/function over to a general purpose classroom, class lab, and art storage building, including the complete renovation of the facility, a comprehensive building system upgrade, and building enclosure upgrades. The Palmer Repurposing project has a total project cost of $40.4M, which includes a total construction cost of $30.4M.  DA Partner solicitation is being requested to bring on strategic partners to assist in developing the final design drawings and project budget.

Bidding Information: The bidding will be administered via SmartBid by PJ Dick. Contact Elizabeth Beemiller for the SmartBid invitation to access the RFP and bidding documents.

Bid Submissions: All submissions shall be submitted electronically via PDF to Matt Feuer, Adam Majcher, David Peck, Jesse Wells, and Todd Webber.

Bid Due Date and Time
Package Number Package Name Pre-Bid Date/Time Pre-Bid Meeting Bid Date/Time Awarded To Document
04A Masonry (Design Assist) Mandatory
05A Structural Steel and Misc Metals (Design Assist) Mandatory
07C Roofing and Metal Wall Panels (Design Assist) Mandatory
08D Entrances, Storefronts, and Curtainwall (Design Assist) Mandatory
14A Elevators (Design Assist) Mandatory
23A Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (Design Assist) Mandatory
26A Electrical (Design Assist) Mandatory