Shield Background


Provides professional facility services and solutions at University Park with ancillary support across the Commonwealth Campuses.

Building and Maintenance Services

Performs corrective, preventative, predictive, emerging and non-emerging maintenance with coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

Custodial Services

Provides routine and special custodial services to academic, athletic and administrative facilities at University Park. 

Grounds Services

Specializes in maintaining the campus landscape, including tree care, display gardens, lawn maintenance, snow removal, and more.

Labor, Solid Waste, and Equipment Services

Provides an array of services including office and special equipment moves; refuse and recycling collection at University Park; and maintenance and repair of University vehicles.

Operations Support and Supply Services

Coordinates the personnel and material resources needed to address facility operations and emergencies.

Utility Services

Distributes high-quality, reliable high voltage electricity, steam, natural gas, compressed air, and potable water to the University Park campus, as well as manages and treats wastewater and storm water.