Shield Background


Provides OPP with a variety of support and services.

Access and Security

Serves as the primary master access coordinator and point of contact for all access-related issues within OPP-controlled spaces, including building lock/unlock schedules, access management strategies, and strategic access decision-making to meet operational needs and University policy requirements. 


Handles the unit's internal and external communications, including overseeing the OPP website, media relations, and new articles that promote the University's facilities. 

Human Resources

Provides on-site support throughout the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment to retirement and everything in between.

Operational Technology

As a window into its facilities, the Operational Technology team monitors, controls, and sustains the University's building and utility system operations. 


Strives to foster a proactive safety mindset throughout OPP, actively works to make OPP a safe place to work, and ensures the organization fulfills its core value of employee safety. 

Strategic Programs

Provides strategic oversight and data analysis for University-wide programs such as major maintenance, building maintenance and capital systems renewal.  

Training and Development

Provides the resources necessary for employee career development, education, and certification requirements.