High Voltage Electric

The Electrical Distribution office at Penn State maintains the high voltage electrical services throughout the University Park campus. Allegheny Power supplies electricity to the campus at five distinct locations. Each location has two separate feeders, each rated at 12,470 volts.

Most of the distribution system on campus is rated at 12,470 volts, with some older circuits rated at 4,160 volts. There are approximately 35 miles of underground duct banks, with almost 90 miles of cable, feeding the various main campus facilities. In addition, there are six miles of overhead distribution lines serving some of the outlying areas. Included in the system are 425 manholes, 290 step-down transformers that transform the high voltage to a voltage usable within the facilities, and 50 sectionalizing switches. We continue to add sectionalizing switches to give us the flexibility to reroute service in the event there is a need to shut down a portion of the system. The electrical distribution crew is responsible for the preventive maintenance and repair of all the electrical system components.

The electrical distribution crew is also responsible for the walk and roadway lighting throughout the campus. This includes relamping, reballasting, and repair and replacement of the poles. With close to 2300 fixtures, this is an ongoing process. Each light fixture has a designated identifier consisting of letters and numbers. We ask for your support in reporting fixtures that are not on or are strobing by calling Police Services at 863-1111 or the Office of Physical Plant work reception desk at 865-4731.

People In Unit


Robert Rice
Electrician, Utilities
Greg Yoder
Electrician, Utilities
